Results for 'Catherine E. Walsh'

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  1.  74
    On Justice, Pedagogy, and Decolonial(Izing) Praxis.Catherine E. Walsh - 2023 - Educational Theory 73 (4):511-529.
    This paper goes beyond — transcends — “pedagogy as justice,” recognizing that justice, particularly in these present times, may not be enough. Its wager is with pedagogies of and for life; pedagogies that plant and cultivate, that push and enable other modes of living, despite the capitalist-modern-colonial-racist system, beyond the system, and in the system's margins, borders, fissures, and cracks. These pedagogies, as Catherine Walsh argues here, are necessarily tied to and constitutive of decolonial(izing) praxis, a praxis that, (...)
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  2.  95
    Aníbal Quijano: Foundational Essays on the Coloniality of Power.Walter D. Mignolo, Rita Segato & Catherine E. Walsh (eds.) - 2024 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    The Peruvian sociologist Aníbal Quijano is widely considered to be a foundational figure of the decolonial perspective grounded on three basic concepts: coloniality, coloniality of power, and colonial matrix of power. His decolonial theorizations of these three concepts have transformed the principles and assumptions of the very idea of knowledge, impacted the social sciences and humanities, and questioned the myth of rationality in natural sciences. The essays in this volume encompass nearly thirty years of Quijano’s work, bringing them to an (...)
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  3.  35
    What Can State Medical Boards Do to Effectively Address Serious Ethical Violations?Tristan McIntosh, Elizabeth Pendo, Heidi A. Walsh, Kari A. Baldwin, Patricia King, Emily E. Anderson, Catherine V. Caldicott, Jeffrey D. Carter, Sandra H. Johnson, Katherine Mathews, William A. Norcross, Dana C. Shaffer & James M. DuBois - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (4):941-953.
    State Medical Boards (SMBs) can take severe disciplinary actions (e.g., license revocation or suspension) against physicians who commit egregious wrongdoing in order to protect the public. However, there is noteworthy variability in the extent to which SMBs impose severe disciplinary action. In this manuscript, we present and synthesize a subset of 11 recommendations based on findings from our team’s larger consensus-building project that identified a list of 56 policies and legal provisions SMBs can use to better protect patients from egregious (...)
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  4.  46
    Las geopolíticas del conocimiento y colonialidad del poder. Entrevista a Walter Mignolo.Catherine Walsh - 2003 - Polis 4.
    La entrevista recorre conceptos como “las geopolíticas del conocimiento” aplicada a América Latina y postula que la región es un producto geopolítico fabricado e impuesto por la “modernidad”, donde “América Latina” se fue fabricando como algo desplazado de la modernidad; o a la filosofía, que se narra de Grecia a Europa, quedando todo el resto del planeta fuera de la historia de la filosofía. Invita el entrevistado a dejar de pensar que lo que vale como conocimiento está en ciertas lenguas (...)
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  5. Notas pedagógicas desde las grietas decoloniales.Catherine Walsh - 2017 - In Luis Porta & María Marta Yedaide, Pedagogía(s) vital(es): cartografías del pensamiento y gestos ético-políticos en perspectiva descolonial. Mar del Plata, Argentina: EUDEM.
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  6. Between the Psyche and the Social: Psychoanalytic Social Theory.Tamsin Lorraine, Robyn Ferrell, Kelly Oliver, Kalpana Seshadri-Crooks, Frances Restuccia, E. Ann Kaplan, Catherine Peebles, Emily Zakin, Lisa Walsh & Cynthia Willett (eds.) - 2001 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Between the Psyche and the Social is the first collection that specifically features the field of psychoanalytic social theory emerging in and between psychoanalysis, feminism, postcolonial studies, and queer theory, and across the disciplines of philosophy, literary, film, and cultural studies. This collection of essays takes the psychoanalytic study of social oppression in some new directions by engaging—indeed, stirring up—unconscious fantasies and ethical tensions at the heart of social subjectivity.
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  7. Richard M. Lerner Catherine E. Barton.Catherine E. Barton - 2000 - In Walter J. Perrig & Alexander Grob, Control of Human Behavior, Mental Processes, and Consciousness: Essays in Honor of the 60th Birthday of August Flammer. Erlbaum. pp. 420.
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    Mindfulness starts with the body: somatosensory attention and top-down modulation of cortical alpha rhythms in mindfulness meditation.Catherine E. Kerr, Matthew D. Sacchet, Sara W. Lazar, Christopher I. Moore & Stephanie R. Jones - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
  9. A study of visual search by means of transcranial magnetic stimulation of the parietal cortex.E. Ashbridge, V. Walsh & A. Cowey - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 1374-1374.
  10.  47
    The Effects of Tai Chi Practice on Intermuscular Beta Coherence and the Rubber Hand Illusion.Catherine E. Kerr, Uday Agrawal & Sandeep Nayak - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  11.  46
    Fallacy Forward: Situating fallacy theory.Catherine E. Hundleby - 2009 - Ossa Conference Archive.
    I will situate the fallacies approach to reasoning with the aim of making it more relevant to contemporary life and thus intellectually significant and valuable as a method for teaching reasoning. This entails a revision that will relegate some of the traditional fallacies to the realm of history and introduce more recently recognized problems in reasoning. Some newly recognized problems that demand attention are revealed by contemporary science studies, which reveal at least two tenacious problems in reasoning that I will (...)
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  12.  19
    The Role of Dynamic Social Norms in Promoting the Internalization of Sportspersonship Behaviors and Values and Psychological Well-Being in Ice Hockey.Catherine E. Amiot & Frederik Skerlj - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Conducted among parents of young ice hockey players, this field experiment tested if making salient increasingly popular social norms that promote sportspersonship, learning, and having fun in sports, increases parents’ own self-determined endorsement of these behaviors and values, improves their psychological well-being, and impacts on their children’s on-ice behaviors. Hockey parents were randomly assigned to the experimental condition vs. control condition. Parents’ motivations for encouraging their child to learn and to have fun in hockey were then assessed. Score sheets for (...)
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  13. That was then this is now : Canadian law and policy on first nations material culture.Catherine E. Bell - 2008 - In Mille Gabriel & Jens Dahl, Utimut: Past Heritage - Future Partnerships, Discussions on Repatriation in the 21st Century /Mille Gabriel & Jens Dahl, Editors. International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs and Greenland National Museum & Archives.
  14.  30
    What do subject pronouns do in discourse? Cognitive, mechanical and constructional factors in variation.Catherine E. Travis & Rena Torres Cacoullos - 2012 - Cognitive Linguistics 23 (4).
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    Even better than the real thing: Alternative outcome bias affects decision judgements and decision regret.Catherine E. Seta, John J. Seta, John V. Petrocelli & Michael McCormick - 2015 - Thinking and Reasoning 21 (4):446-472.
    Three experiments demonstrated that decisions resulting in considerable amounts of profit, but missed alternative outcomes of greater profits, were rated lower in quality and produced more regret than did decisions that returned lesser amounts of profit but either did not miss or missed only slightly better alternatives. These effects were mediated by upward counterfactuals and moderated by participants’ orientation to the decision context. That decision evaluations were affected by the availability and magnitude of alternative outcomes rather than the positivity of (...)
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  16.  11
    Reasonable Responses: The Thought of Trudy Govier.Catherine E. Hundleby (ed.) - 2016 - University of Windsor.
    This tribute to the breadth and influence of Trudy Govier's philosophical work begins with her early scholarship in argumentation theory, paying special attention to its pedagogical expression. Most people first encounter Trudy Govier's work and many people only encounter it through her textbooks, especially A Practical Study of Argument, published in many editions. In addition to the work on argumentation that has continued throughout her career, much of Govier's later work addresses social philosophy and the problems of trust and response (...)
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  17. Mothers' speech research: from input to interaction.Catherine E. Snow - 1977 - In Catherine E. Snow & Charles A. Ferguson, Talking to Children: Language Input and Acquisition. Cambridge University Press. pp. 31--49.
  18.  14
    Jacques Maritain and Eduardo Frei Montalva.Catherine E. Wilson - 2009 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 21 (1-2):83-105.
    Eduardo Frei Montalva, co-founder of the Christian Democratic Party and President of Chile, represented for Jacques Maritain, French neo-Thomist philosopher, an example of prophetic leadership in contemporary times. According to Maritain, modem democracy could not survive without a profound spiritual revolution of political leadership--the "prophetic factor" of democracy--which he observed in Frei as a public official, senator, and ultimately the Presient of the Republic of Chile (1964-1970). Under his famed "Revolution in Liberty," Frei endeavored to meld socio-economic reforms with an (...)
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    Public Response to Media Coverage of Animal Cruelty.Catherine M. Tiplady, Deborah-Anne B. Walsh & Clive J. C. Phillips - 2013 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (4):869-885.
    Activists’ investigations of animal cruelty expose the public to suffering that they may otherwise be unaware of, via an increasingly broad-ranging media. This may result in ethical dilemmas and a wide range of emotions and reactions. Our hypothesis was that media broadcasts of cruelty to cattle in Indonesian abattoirs would result in an emotional response by the public that would drive their actions towards live animal export. A survey of the public in Australia was undertaken to investigate their reactions and (...)
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  20.  21
    Different Paths to Different Feminisms? Bridging Multiracial Feminist Theory and Quantitative Sociological Gender Research.Catherine E. Harnois - 2005 - Gender and Society 19 (6):809-828.
    This article examines the limitations of the sociological research on feminist identities and ideologies that ignores the intersection of race and gender. Drawing from multiracial feminist theorizing, the author asks, Is self-identification as feminist a biased indicator of the salience of feminism in African American women's lives? Do women's racial statuses mediate the relationship between particular life events and experiences and the extent to which they embrace feminism? and To what extent are racial differences important when considering what women understand (...)
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  21. Feminist Perspectives on Argumentation.Catherine E. Hundleby - 2021 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Feminists note an association of arguing with aggression and masculinity and question the necessity of this connection. Arguing also seems to some to identify a central method of philosophical reasoning, and gendered assumptions and standards would pose problems for the discipline. Can feminine modes of reasoning provide an alternative or supplement? Can overarching epistemological standards account for the benefits of different approaches to arguing? These are some of the prospects for argumentation inside and outside of philosophy that feminists consider. -/- (...)
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  22.  27
    Commentary on Kloster.Catherine E. Hundleby - 2009 - Ossa Conference Archives.
    Moira Kloster suggests the frailty of argument across differences in circumstances of disagreement. My aim is to take a step back and consider what she takes to be the purpose of argumentative bridges. I explain my understanding of Kloster’s position that we must attend to the variable places that cooperation and trust have in argumentation, especially how these attitudes are sometimes institutionalized in such a way that a cooperative individual disposition becomes dysfunctional. Kloster’s considerations are quite sound for arguments in (...)
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    The Need for Rhetorical Listening to Ground Scientific Objectivity.Catherine E. Hundleby - 2007 - Ossa Conference Archive.
    Recent work in feminist and postcolonial rhetoric demonstrates various meanings of silence. Listening rhetorically in order to comprehend silences is particularly difficult in scientific contexts, I argue, because the common ground for scientific discourse assumes a culture of disclosure. Rhetorical listening is also important to science because listening accounts for silence as well as disclosure, and so maximizes the diversity in recognized perspectives that provides scientific objectivity.
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  24.  16
    Effects of Team Emotional Authenticity on Virtual Team Performance.Catherine E. Connelly & Ofir Turel - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  25.  35
    Introduction: The Potential of Peer Talk.Catherine E. Snow & Shoshana Blum-Kulka - 2004 - Discourse Studies 6 (3):291-306.
    Research on children interacting with each other encompasses a wide variety of specific research interest, including but not limited to a focus on language. In this introduction to an issue of Discourse Studies devoted to the contribution of peer talk to pragmatic development, we define ‘peer talk’ as an interdisciplinary field of inquiry and we critically review literature on the role of peer talk in children’s pragmatic development. We suggest that ‘peer talk’ as a field of inquiry properly encompasses studies (...)
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  26.  24
    Response biasing as a function of duration and extent of positioning acts.George E. Stelmach & Michael F. Walsh - 1972 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 92 (3):354.
  27.  68
    Placebo acupuncture as a form of ritual touch healing: A neurophenomenological model.Catherine E. Kerr, Jessica R. Shaw, Lisa A. Conboy, John M. Kelley, Eric Jacobson & Ted J. Kaptchuk - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (3):784-791.
    Evidence that placebo acupuncture is an effective treatment for chronic pain presents a puzzle: how do placebo needles appearing to patients to penetrate the body, but instead sitting on the skin’s surface in the manner of a tactile stimulus, evoke a healing response? Previous accounts of ritual touch healing in which patients often described enhanced touch sensations suggest an embodied healing mechanism. In this qualitative study, we asked a subset of patients in a singleblind randomized trial in irritable bowel syndrome (...)
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  28. Sexual solipsism: Philosophical essays on pornography and objectification. By Rae Langton.Catherine E. Hundleby - 2011 - Hypatia 26 (1):224-227.
  29.  76
    A Toolkit for Ethical and Culturally Sensitive Research: An Application with Indigenous Communities.Catherine E. Burnette, Sara Sanders, Howard K. Butcher & Jacki T. Rand - 2014 - Ethics and Social Welfare 8 (4):364-382.
  30.  17
    Electrical properties of some liquid semiconductors.J. E. Enderby & L. Walsh - 1966 - Philosophical Magazine 14 (131):991-1002.
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  31.  13
    Chaves, Mark. American Religion: Contemporary Trends. [REVIEW]Catherine E. Wilson - 2013 - Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 25 (1-2):189-191.
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    Epistemic Coverage and Argument Closure.Catherine E. Hundleby - 2020 - Topoi 40 (5):1051-1062.
    Sanford Goldberg’s account of epistemic coverage constitutes a special case of Douglas Walton’s view that epistemic closure arises from dialectical argument. Walton’s pragmatic version of epistemic closure depends on dialectical norms for closing an argument, and epistemic coverage operates at the limits of argument closure because it minimizes dialectical exchange. Such closure works together with a shared hypothetical consideration to justify dismissal of surprising claims.
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  33. Inhibited Personality Temperaments Translated Through Enhanced Avoidance and Associative Learning Increase Vulnerability for PTSD.Michael Todd Allen, Catherine E. Myers, Kevin D. Beck, Kevin C. H. Pang & Richard J. Servatius - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    The role of philosophy in the development and practice of nursing: Past, present and future.Miriam Bender, Pamela J. Grace, Catherine Green, Jane Hopkins-Walsh, Marit Kirkevold, Olga Petrovskaya, Esma D. Paljevic & Derek Sellman - 2021 - Nursing Philosophy 22 (4):e12363.
    This article summarizes a virtual live‐streamed panel event that occurred in August 2020 and was cosponsored by the International Philosophy of Nursing Society (IPONS) and the University of California, Irvine's Center for Nursing Philosophy. The event consisted of a series of three self‐contained panel discussions focusing on the past, present and future of IPONS and was moderated by the current Chair of IPONS, Catherine Green. The first panel discussion explored the history of IPONS and the journal Nursing Philosophy. The (...)
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  35.  45
    Martin K. Foys, Karen Eileen Overbey, and Dan Terkla, eds., The Bayeux Tapestry: New Interpretations. Woodbridge, Eng., and Rochester, N.Y.: Boydell and Brewer, 2009. Pp. xvi, 216 plus 35 black-and-white and color plates; black-and-white figures and 1 table. $95. [REVIEW]Catherine E. Karkov - 2010 - Speculum 85 (4):961-963.
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    Data on language input: Incomprehensible omission indeed!Catherine E. Snow & Michael Tomasello - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (2):357-358.
  37.  32
    Are Movement Disorders and Sensorimotor Injuries Pathologic Synergies? When Normal Multi-Joint Movement Synergies Become Pathologic.Marco Santello & Catherine E. Lang - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8:109123.
    The intact nervous system has an exquisite ability to modulate the activity of multiple muscles acting at one or more joints to produce an enormous range of actions. Seemingly simple tasks, such as reaching for an object or walking, in fact rely on very complex spatial and temporal patterns of muscle activations. Neurological disorders such as stroke and focal dystonia affect the ability to coordinate multi-joint movements. This article reviews the state of the art of research of muscle synergies in (...)
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  38.  31
    Editorial: Neural Mechanisms Underlying Movement-Based Embodied Contemplative Practices.Laura Schmalzl & Catherine E. Kerr - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  39.  40
    Organizational characteristics and HRM policies on rights: Exploring the patterns of connections. [REVIEW]Catherine E. Schwoerer, Douglas R. May & Benson Rosen - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (7):531 - 549.
    The protection of employee rights in the workplace is one of the fundamental ethical questions facing organizations today. Organizations differ in the extent to which they protect the rights of both employees and themselves as employers, yet little research has examined the types of organizations that have rights protection policies. Instead of the classic normative approach to ethical issues, this study took a contextual approach to the management of rights in the workplace through human resource policies. Associations were found between (...)
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    Christian Unity.Catherine E. Clifford - 2015 - Philosophy and Theology 27 (2):459-475.
    Can the 1985 proposal for the unification of the Christian churches co-authored by Karl Rahner and Heinrich Fries in Unity of the Churches: An Actual Possibility still provide a realistic basis for the unification of the churches? This paper considers the proposal as an application of the ecumenical principle that no greater burden than necessary be imposed as a requisite for full ecclesial communion, and of the hierarchy of truths. It explores the basic presuppositions of the proposal in light of (...)
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  41.  26
    Well-fed organisms still need feedback.Michael Tomasello & Catherine E. Snow - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (3):475.
  42.  47
    Expanding empathic and perceptive awareness: The experience of attunement in Contact Improvisation and Body Weather.Sarah Pini & Catherine E. Deans - 2021 - Performance Research: A Journal of the Performing Arts 26 (3):106-113.
    Dance as a complex human activity is a rich test case for exploring perception in action. In this article, we explore a 4E approach to perception/action in dance, focussing on the intersubjective and ecological aspects of kinaesthetic attunement and their capacity to expand empathic and perceptive experience. We examine the question: what are the ways in which the performance ecology co-created in different dance practices influences empathic and perceptive experience? We adopt an enactive ethnographic and phenomenological approach to explore two (...)
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  43.  12
    Slapende reus: feit of fictie?Catherine E. de Vries - 2011 - Res Publica 53 (1):117-119.
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    Authority arguments in academic contexts in social studies and humanities.Begona Carrascal & Catherine E. Hundleby - 2011 - Ossa Conference Archive.
    In academic contexts the appeal to authority is a quite common but seldom tested argument, either because we accept the authority without questioning it, or because we look for alternative experts or reasons to support a different point of view. But, by putting ourselves side by side an already accepted authority, we often rhetorically manoeuvre to displace the burden of the proof to avoid the fear to present our opinions and to allow face saving.
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    Colum Hourihane, The Processional Cross in Late Medieval England: The “Dallye Cross.” (Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London, 71.) London: Society of Antiquaries of London, 2005. Pp. ix, 162; 114 black-and-white figures. $65. [REVIEW]Catherine E. Karkov - 2006 - Speculum 81 (4):1211-1212.
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    Staying Alive: The Psychology of Human Survival.Danilo E. Ponce & Roger Walsh - 1985 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 5:216.
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    Religion, materialism and ecology.Sigurd Bergmann, Catherine E. Rigby & Peter Scott (eds.) - 2023 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    This timely collection of essays by leading international scholars across religious studies and the environmental humanities advances a lively discussion on materialism in its many forms. While there is little agreement on what 'materialism' means, it is evident that there is a resurgence in thinking about matter in more animated and active ways. The volume explores how debates concerning the new materialisms impinge on religious traditions and the extent to which religions, with their material culture and beliefs in the Divine (...)
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    Dysfunctional counterfactual thinking: When simulating alternatives to reality impedes experiential learning.John V. Petrocelli, Catherine E. Seta & John J. Seta - 2013 - Thinking and Reasoning 19 (2):205 - 230.
    Using a multiple-trial stock market decision paradigm, the possibility that counterfactual thinking can be dysfunctional for learning and performance by distorting the processing of outcome information was examined. Correlational (Study 1) and experimental (Study 2) evidence suggested that counterfactuals are associated with a decrease in experiential learning. When counterfactuals were made salient, participants displayed significantly poorer performance compared to their counterparts for whom counterfactuals were relatively less salient. A counterfactual salience ? need for cognition (NFC) interaction qualified these findings. High (...)
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  49.  97
    Introduction: Reasoning for Change.Phyllis Rooney & Catherine E. Hundleby - 2010 - Informal Logic 30 (3).
    This special issue of Informal Logic brings together two important areas of philosophy that have shown significant development in the last three decades: informal logic and feminist philosophy. A significant innovation they both share is new thinking about practices of argumentation and related practices of reasoning. Feminist theorizing supporting social and political change foregrounds “reasoning for change” in a way that draws attention to the contextual and rhetorical dimensions of argument and thus connects with significant developments in informal logic.
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  50. Adolescents as Agents in the Promotion of their Positive Development: The Role of Youth Actions in Effective Programs1.Richard M. Lerner & Catherine E. Barton - 2000 - In Walter J. Perrig & Alexander Grob, Control of Human Behavior, Mental Processes, and Consciousness: Essays in Honor of the 60th Birthday of August Flammer. Erlbaum. pp. 420.
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